I’m not saying this doesn’t happen the other way around, but we’re talking about disagreements about politics leading to violence, not criminal and gang activity leading to violence. There is a huge difference, nobody is defending the gangs as a good thing (except perhaps some at CNN trying to justify and decriminalize drugs).
BLM members shot and killed a Hispanic girl shooting at their group from a bridge because the Hispanic group said ALL lives matter, a creed 75% of the US agrees with.
BLM are trying to cancel Goya, a Hispanic staple and family owned company for speaking the truth.
BLM is not a ‘we like to get better circumstances for blacks’, they are a black supremacist group. Prove me wrong.
And to Joel’s experience: this has been happening in Europe since the late 1990s and it’s leading to majority votes now being for the Nazi parties with the other parties having to form coalitions to keep extreme right groups from gaining too much power, these parties didn’t even have enough votes to keep a seat in councils and parliaments, are now occupying dozens of stable seats across government and occasionally winning complete control in local city elections.